




Pants- dr denim, shoes- Sarenza, top- weekday, tote- 5preview.

Ursäkta, men hur balla skulle inte Jenny och jag vara som ett band? Bara en tanke, haha. Inledde denna fredag med en springtur för att vakna till lite (sover som en sten nuförtiden) och har jobbat gärnet sedan dess. Alla affärer är stängda här i Berlin över påsken, det i kombination med grått väder gör det riktigt skönt att bara sitta hemma med musik, kaffe och jobb faktiskt. Ikväll möter jag nog upp Alva för middagsmys och sedan får vi se hur helgen inleds. Ha en superhärlig fredag finisar!

Ehh sry but how cool wouldn’t Jenny and I be as a band? Just a thought, haha.
I started this Friday with a run to wake up a bit and have been working intensively since I got home. All shops are closed here in Berlin over Easter, in combination with the gray weather, it makes a good reason to just enjoy being at home with music, coffee and work. Tonight I’ll meet up with Alva for dinner and then we’ll see what’ll happen. Have a super wonderful Friday guys!

2 responses to “LET’S START A BAND

  1. Theresa says:

    Hello Ebba:

    I hope yours was a lot of fun.
    Love what you and Jenny are wearing.
    I’m a bit obsessed with accumulation of sunglasses and cellphone cases these days; I just love so many kinds, and now yours and Jenny’s!
    Have a great weekend! Hope to see you cooking with Jenny, soon.

  2. Gia says:

    Ah man, you two guys look absolutely stunning!!! And a band would be amazing:) You’ve already got a fan who will buy all your music, hehe 😀
    Happy Easter!

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