Ju mera dom spottar på oss desto snabbare kommer vi att blomma.

Lite bättre bilder på de snygga jeansen jag fyndade på weekday häromveckan. Polo-MANGO, brillor-tshirtstore och skor-2hand.

Fredag, sol och snöslask. Så himla härligt! Ikväll firar jag och en bunt roliga vänner in våren med en grillkväll. Mysigt. Ha en riktigt bra fredag nu allesammans!

Translate: The perfect baggy-jeans I bought at weekday last week. Polo- MANGO, glasses-tshirtstore and shoes-2hand.

It’s friday, the sun in shining and snow is melting. So very lovely! Tonight I’m celebrating spring with hanging by a campfirefire with my friends. Have a great Friday everyone!

21 responses to “Ju mera dom spottar på oss desto snabbare kommer vi att blomma.

  1. Sofia Reis says:

    You rock! Those jeans are awesome, love the high waist! Have a good day!*

  2. Emma says:

    Snygg outfit!

  3. Hayley says:

    love the baggy jeans! really want some like that but i dont think theyll suit me… Gorgeous hair!

    Hayley xx

  4. Layla says:

    Those jeans look great on you. And you styled them so chic.

  5. frida xiang says:

    love your hair!!!

  6. val says:

    like it all!!! and you hair looks lovely today!

  7. Rav says:


  8. Evelina says:

    åh, snyggt! Äskar ditt hår!!!

  9. Paper says:

    Vilka fina brallor!

  10. paulina- crazylikeazebra. says:

    så jäkla snyggt! ääääälskar ditt hår!

  11. Emma says:

    you are my inspiration!! 🙂

    xoxo Emma

  12. Bianca B. says:

    You are absolutely incredible. Gorgeous and for me and many others a true inspiration. xx

  13. May Casson says:

    You are so beautiful. I love what you are wearing and your hair is like florescent. – http://www.kindoflovely.com

  14. Stamina says:

    I love this look!!! So simple but so great!! The way your hair is one the black shrit is perfect and the high waisted pants are the cherry on top!!


  15. Natasha says:

    This outfit is so cool, love it! And your hair is the most amazing accessory 🙂


  16. ANna says:

    Så jäkla snygg!!!

  17. Andie says:

    Hot damn! You look gorgeous here! Love the look.

  18. Linnéa says:

    Du är så galet snygg!

  19. tiphaine says:

    you are so beautiful <3

  20. L says:

    Alltså wow-ow-ow-ow-ow Umeå!? Man blir satans glad när man varit utan tillgång till internet (dock värt det om man får träffa brorsan i Brighton) och så kommer man tillbaka till det här! Lots of love, Uppsala

  21. Steph C. says:

    wow u look great!
    love ur flame coloured hair!
    Ginger and Lace

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