it’s right before my eyes

Yes! Jag lyckades övertala mina föräldrar att stanna här på Örsten en extra dag! Så nu sitter jag nöjd och glad framför brasan med en bra bok. Här ovan har ni en tjuvkik på andra delen av mitt stylinguppdrag för NowIStyle, jag bara älskar kjolen! Vad tycks?

Yes! I managed to persuade my parents to stay here on Örsten one extra day! So now I’m sitting satisfied and happy by the fireplace with a good book. Anyway, here you have a sneakpeek of the second part of my styling assignment for NowIStyle, I just love the skirt! What do you think?

6 responses to “it’s right before my eyes

  1. Rafaela Michels says:

    Hello Ebba, I’m Rafaela, I’ve been following your blog for a long time, but I never commented anything, I just want to tell you, you’re such a beautiful girl and a inspiration, you inspire me to do somethings like stop eating meat, be healthy, in style, maybe it sounds crazy but it’s true. Have a great great week (my english isn’t very good) kisses from Brazil!! 🙂

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    Hi Rafaela! Thank you for your comment, you made me really flatterned and prouds. It’s comments like yours who makes me keep on going 🙂 xx

  3. vìlde m eiklandr says:

    hey ebba! love your blog 🙂 i was just wondering what headphones you use/and if you recommend them? 🙂 love from norway <3

  4. Angelica Lainis says:

    I love these photos Ebba! The black and white is so cool x

  5. CarolinaBK says:

    That’s pretty cool! Like it!

  6. Jeline says:

    You have the greatest outfits!

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