

God morgon! Sitter och käkar lite frukost och peppar inför plåtningen idag. Kollade igenom några gamla bilder och hittade dessa som fotografen Jocke Jonsson plåtade av mig när jag var typ… 15? Känns som hundra år sedan.
Nu måste jag börja rulla! Ha en fantastisk fredag!

Good morning! I’m sitting and having a little breakfast loading up for the shoot today. I was looking through some old pictures and found these the photographer Joakim Jonsson took of me when I was like … 15? Feels a hundred years ago.
Now I have to get rolling! Have a great Friday!

3 responses to “//IRONY

  1. rae says:

    Really beautiful photos as always. You have such a lovely expression in these photos! Have fun on your shoot today!

    Rae | love from berlin

  2. Nato says:

    Hey Ebba, is this really you? -http://a2.format-assets.com/image/private/s–Y7JRBgIc–/c_limit,g_center,h_550,w_65535/a_auto,fl_keep_iptc.progressive,q_95/27856-1193150-IMG_9518-4ormat.jpg I found that picture on that photograps blog 🙂

  3. Myhrans says:

    Åh vad roligt! Jättefin bilder också. 🙂

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