Heading for the gym!

Tänkte mest bara säga god morgon innan jag drar iväg mot gymmet! Beställde dessa löpskor härifrån häromveckan och nu ska det bli spännande att se om de är lika bra som de är snygga. Träningsväskan kommer härifrån och är även den ett nytt tillskott, väldigt praktisk! Älskar att ha färgglada och fina kläder på gymmet, det höjer verkligen motivationen. Nä, nu måste jag rusa. Tjing!

I just thought I’d say good morning before I head to the gym! I ordered these running shoes the other week and now it’ll be interesting to see if they are as good as they looks. The sport bag is also a new, and I must say it has been very handy! I love wearing fun and colorful clothes at the gym, it really makes me motivated. Now I have to rush. Later guys! xx

2 responses to “Heading for the gym!

  1. kate says:

    OMG love these shoes!!!

  2. Myrthe says:

    I think that it’s waaaaay more important if the shoes fit right, than how they look! i went to a professional store to buy my running shoes, and I didn’t pick the ones that looked the best, but the ones that felt perfect! your feet are so important, you have to take care of them very well and the wrong shoes can cause injury and stuff.

    I love the photos, the shoes are very nice, I also hope they are as good as they look ^^
    xx from the Netherlands!

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