Hoppas ni får världens finaste alla hjärtans dag, fylld med chokladhjärtan,  nära och kära och allt som hör till (även om ni inte hittat den rätta än). PUSS på er och MASSA KÄRLEK!

Hope you get the world’s best Valentine’s Day, filled with chocolate hearts, friends and family and all that (even if you haven’t found the right one yet). KISSES and LOTS OF LOVE!

8 responses to “GLAD ALLA HJÄRTANS DAG!

  1. alex says:

    Happy Valentine’s Ebba ♥

  2. Sanni says:

    Tack detsamma ♥ love your blog!!

  3. Rose says:

    So sweet, thank you! Have a nice day ^^

  4. Flora says:

    Nice picture!

  5. Frida says:

    Tack desamma! <3 🙂

  6. wirag says:

    Thank you, you are really kind!
    And the same for you!

  7. Alice says:

    Happy belated Valentine’s day Ebba!
    I hope you had an amazing day with all the people you love and plenty of delicious chocolates and whatnot…you definitely deserved it! 🙂

    This picture of you is stunning to say the least. The heart shape as well as the gentle pink glow are so adorable. Almost as adorable as you! <3

    Hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s day to the fullest 😀


  8. Tra Mi says:

    cute cute cute

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