Tjoho! Det Ă€r sĂ„ kul att fĂ„ lotta ut den hĂ€r klĂ€nningen eftersom jag Ă€lskar den sĂ„ himla mycket! Allt ni behöver göra för att vara med och delta Ă€r att gilla Astars facebooksida HÄR och sedan lĂ€mna en kommentar med ditt namn, storlek och emailadress hĂ€r nedanför (HÄR kan ni titta nĂ€rmare pĂ„ klĂ€nningen). Jag publicerar vinnaren om en vecka. Lycka till hörni!


Whoop! It’s so fun throwing a giveaway of this dress since I love it so much. All you have to do to participate is like Astars facebook page HERE and leave a comment below with your name, email address and size (you can take a closer look at the dress here). I’ll announce the winner in a week. Good luck guys!


  1. sophia zessnik says:

    i would love to have a chance to win this amazing dress…but i donÂŽt have Facebook 🙁 is it possible at all?

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till sophia zessnik:
    Hm, maybe you can ask a friend with facebook to like it instead 🙂

  3. chi says:

    Chi Nguyen
    chi– (i know, how creative)
    Size: XS

    Ahh! I love this dress so much! And the model’s hair on the website is really pretty!

  4. Phindile Mkhize says:

    omg I would love to win this dress, its conservative but sexy and fun and the same time!!! I already liked the page and just cross my fingers I win this time!! love you and your blog 🙂

    Phindile Mkhize

  5. Lisa says:

    Hey Ebba!

    I would love to win this dress, it’s sooo pretty and different!

  6. phindile mkhize says:

    Svar till Phindile Mkhize:
    sorry I forgot to put my dress size its XS or size 4

  7. Ella says:

    This dress is amazing!

    Ella Anderson, (size M)

  8. Lisa says:

    Svar till Lisa:
    Hey Ebba!

    I would love to win this dress, it’s sooo pretty and different! size: S

  9. myhrans says:

    Åh va in den Ă€r! Jagar med oc har gillat sidan! 🙂

  10. sofia says:

    Åh jag vill sĂ„ hemskt gĂ€rna vinna den dĂ€r kĂ€nningen! perfekt till nyĂ„r!

  11. sofia says:

    Svar till sofia:
    haha glömde storleken ocksÄ XS!

  12. Louise says:

    Louise Hildebrand, storlek S

  13. Veronica says:

    Veronica Törnblom
    Storlek: M

  14. Bronwyn-Leigh Knox says:

    This is such a beautiful dress! I’ll be crossing all my toes and fingers ! Size medium , pretty please x

  15. Bronwyn-Leigh Knox says:

    Absolutely lovely dress, I will be crossing all my fingers and toes !
    Size medium, pretty please x

  16. Malin Elgale says:

    Jag Ă€r med! Storlek XS 😀

  17. Cornelia Andersson says:

    Hej igen Ebba! Älskar nĂ€r du har giveaway, haha, ska tĂ€vla i alla tills jag vinner nĂ„got! Allt du ger bort Ă€r ju sĂ„ snuskigt snyggt! 😀 Skulle vilja ha lite modeklĂ€der nĂ€r jag rockar Trondheims gator, dĂ„ ska jag lĂ€tt starta en modeblogg sen och det kommer bli skitkul!
    Har vÀl M antar jag
    mail Àr

    Ha det superbra och hÀlsa UmeÄ!

    MVH Cornelia

  18. Marie says:

    Hello Ebba!
    When I visited their website just after having read your last post, I instantely fell in love with their clothes, it is so pretty, trendy, comfortable I ADORE this style ! Plus it suits you really well and the dress is amaeingly PERFECT

    I am so sad though that it is too expensive for me..So that’ why I would like to thank you A LOT for organizing this giveaway and giving the chance of winning such a nice piece of clothing to one of us.

    I would be the happiest girl ever if I could ever win it 🙂 Thank you again for everything Ebba, your daily inspiration, ides, giveaways…

    Love from Marie ♥ xx

  19. Marie says:

    Svar till Marie :
    Oh and I forgot to say that my size is XS

  20. Josefin Rickan says:

    Strl XS
    Josefin Rickan

  21. Christine Acurantes says:

    Sorry I don’t have Facebook!! 🙁

    Christine Acurantes
    Size XS

  22. Erline says:

    Wowie, that’s one hell of a dress! Stunning!
    My name: Erline Van Kerkhoven
    My e-mail:
    My size: XS

  23. Erline says:

    Wowie, that’s one hell of a dress! Stunning!
    My name: Erline Van Kerkhoven
    My e-mail:
    My size: XS

  24. Sara says:

    Sara Bogren
    Storlek; XS

  25. eleftheria says:

    Hi Ebba
    I am Eleftheria
    My size is S
    You can find me in
    thank you!

  26. Lara says:

    Hey Ebba, thankyou for the giveaway!
    My email is
    I’ve liked the page on facebook and I’d absolutely to win the dress, it would be perfect to wear at a concert I’m attending next month.

  27. Lara says:

    Sorry, I forgot my size, it’s an XS.

  28. Sara Cehennemden says:

    name: Sara Cehennemden
    size: S

  29. Liv says:

    Hi thanks for the giveaway!

    Livia Giani

    size: M

  30. Ulrika Bergström says:

    Otroligt vacker klĂ€nning, vore inte helt fel att ha den hĂ€ngandes i garderoben sĂ„ jag gör ett försök 🙂
    Storlek; XS

  31. Ariella says:


    ariella at allthethings dot com

  32. Adeline says:

    Adela M.

    the smaller one XS or S 🙂

  33. Devon Rose says:

    Ah! I’ve been drooling over this dress since you posted it!

  34. clara says:

    strl s

  35. Valeria says:

    Valeria Malaja
    This dress is gorgeous! Thank you, Ebba for throwing this giveawy! Hope you are having a lovely day! xxxx

  36. Valeria says:

    Valeria Malaja
    This dress is gorgeous! Thank you, Ebba for throwing this giveawy! Hope you are having a lovely day! xxxx

  37. Valeria says:

    Valeria Malaja
    This dress is gorgeous! Thank you, Ebba for throwing this giveawy! Hope you are having a lovely day! xxxx

  38. Valeria says:

    Valeria Malaja

    What a gorgeous dress! Thank you so much, Ebba, for throwing this giveaway! Hope you are having a lovely day! xxxx

  39. Ebba says:

    Namn; Ebba.
    Storlek; 36

    Den hÀr klÀnningen Àr sÄ grymt snygg!

  40. Rania says:

    Åh, den Ă€r sĂ„ himla snygg och kĂ€nns som ett grymt basplagg att ha i garderoben! Alltid kul med alla nya mĂ€rken man upptĂ€cker via dig ocksĂ„ – tack!

    Är absolut med och tĂ€vlar. SvĂ„rt med passform osv, men jag kikade deras Size Guide och borde kunna ha en S 🙂

  41. Michaela says:

    I fell in love with those dress immediately, when I saw your photos!♥ They are so unique and amazing. Thank you for a giveaway. Fingers crossed.
    My size: M.

  42. Sina says:

    New Giveaway, new luck^^.
    I would go with Size S 🙂

  43. Elin Ågren says:

    Elin Ågren

    Size: Medium

  44. Mayflower says:

    My name is Martha Linnea Pukallus, I wear XS and I think this dress is absolutely stunning!

  45. Ruth Jimenez says:

    Ruth Jimenez

  46. Veronika OrgoňovĂĄ says:

    Veronika OrgoňovĂĄ

  47. Iris says:

    Love this giveaway, the dress is so perfect!
    Name: Iris
    Email: colorfulwonderland(at)
    Size: XS

  48. Pavlina says:

    Beautiful Dress! I soon I saw the post with u wearing it i wanted it too! Greetings from a sunny Greece!

  49. daduska says:

    Dasa Kusnirakova
    Size: XS
    i am completely in ove with this giveaway. i am curios about the winner! 🙂
    anyway, greetings from slovakia 🙂

  50. Daisy Oliveira says:

    OMG!This dress is really wonderful and elegant!Love it!

    Daisy Oliveira

  51. Naama A says:

    great giveaway! I’m in!
    Naama A
    nam12 [at]
    size M

  52. Paula says:

    XS. 🙂 Love the dres!!

  53. Victoria says:

    Storlek S/36.

  54. Alsu says:

    That’s cool as usual! Alsu Malikova size S.

  55. va says:

    size med.
    tumblemumbo at

  56. Emilia Mungiu says:

    Emilia Mungiu
    size: M

  57. Kanerva says:

    size M

  58. Bernadett Varga says:

    My gosh, it’s so great! I’d love to win.
    My size is S or 34.

  59. Gaia says:

    Hi Ebba, I just want to tell you that this giveaway is amazing!
    Anyway I’m Gaia, my email is and my dress size is L (and I think I’m the only one with size L ahahah!)

  60. Monika says:

    Åh sĂ„ jĂ€kla snygg Ă€r den klĂ€nningen!! Är med och tĂ€vlar om den i storlek S, har gillat och min mailadress Ă€r:

    Kram! 🙂

  61. Silje L says:

    Hei sĂžte Ebba!
    Denne kjolen er nydelig. Min stĂžrrelse er S, og epostadresse er

    Puss och krÀm!

  62. Elvira Staaf says:

    Skit ball klÀning ju, skulle passa perfa till min artonÄrsdag!

    Elvira Staaf
    Storlek: S

  63. Elvira Staaf says:

    Skit ball klÀning ju, skulle passa perfa till min artonÄrsdag!

    Elvira Staaf
    Storlek: S

  64. Julia says:

    Strl: S
    Älskar din stil. KlĂ€nningen Ă€r helt perfekt för att ha pĂ„ nyĂ„r!

  65. Tricia says:

    Love this! Great for the holidays.

  66. Jenny Z. says:

    liked their fb!

    Jenny Zhang
    size L

    thank you!!

  67. Sandra says:

    Jag dör vad snygg den Àr! Har gillat nu pÄ Facebook och Àven hunnit med att spana in deras klÀder. Gud vad mycket fint dom har!

    /Sandra, stl: small,

  68. sophia zessnik says:

    okay done- i posted it with my momÂŽs name; monika-same last name.
    i would love,love,love to win this dress and wear it on my sisterÂŽs wedding!!
    btw; nice blog-best wishes from berlin!

  69. Itzel N. says:

    I fell in love with the dress the moment I saw the back, absolutely marvelous!
    Thank your for the giveaway!
    Itzel NĂĄjera, Size S,
    Kisses from Mexico!

  70. Annemette says:

    Oh, I would looove to win this beautiful dress!!!

    I use size XS.


  71. Sabrina Stricker says:


    the dress is amazing!!!

    I’d liked Astars on Facebook and here is my comment…
    Sabrina Stricker
    Size: XS

    P.s. love your Blog Ebba!!!

  72. Filipa says:

    Filipa Canic

    size: small

  73. Silvia says:

    That love is so great, Ebba! It’s so you… I’d love to have one as well 🙂
    My size is S.

    Love ♥

  74. Silvia says:

    Svar till Silvia:
    I forgot my e-mail adress: suomi_rocks(at)yahoo(dot)com


  75. Gemma says:

    I hope it doesn’t matter that I liked their page with a Facebook account linked to a different email than what I am putting here
    Gemma 🙂

  76. Eva says:

    It would be so nice to win this dress!

    Eva Lo Verde

  77. Jasmine says:

    Jasmine Talevski

  78. Nathalie Bergsander says:

    Åh, jag Ă€r med! Har gillat deras facebooksida och tror att en Medium skulle passa mig ganska bra! Hade varit kul med nĂ„gonting nytt i garderoben (som inte Ă€r svart som alla mina andra plagg, haha). Kram

  79. Ilona says:

    Hi Ebba ! 🙂 I have never seen a similar dress, it is so different than the ones available in stores in my country. I would like to get it ♥ size S 🙂

  80. Nergiz says:

    Nergiz Tigu
    Size: L
    Good Luck to everyone! :))

  81. Linda Lemon says:

    Solemn but lovely 🙂 Love it
    size: S/38

  82. Martyna says:

    Wow, such a wonderful dress! I’d love to have it, my size is S 🙂
    Greetings from Poland!

  83. Daria says:

    Ohhh, lovely dress! Size 40 ;(
    And i think it’s quite hard to post a comment for forginers ;c

  84. Pamela Panela Cosio says:

    Perfect all year round dress!!! Need! So in love! Would love it in an XS.

  85. Maria Ewa Bryłka says:

    – name: Maria Ewa Brylka
    – email:
    – size: XS

    amazing dress, and gorgeous YOU *.* as usual 🙂

  86. Maria Ewa Bryłka says:

    – name: Maria Ewa Brylka
    – email:
    – size: XS

    amazing dress, and gorgeous YOU *.* as usual 🙂

  87. Maria Ewa Bryłka says:

    – name: Maria Ewa Brylka
    – email:
    – size: XS

    amazing dress, and gorgeous YOU *.* as usual 🙂

  88. sofie says:

    Jag Àr med och har gillat sidan!
    Storlek: XS
    Sofie Medin

  89. Anna says:

    You inspirate me!

  90. Elvira says:

    As ball klÀnnign ju! Skulle passa perfa till min artonÄrsdag!

    Elvira Staaf
    storlek: S

  91. Joanna says:

    Size: S

  92. louise-jonsson says:

    Åh har alltid velat ha en lĂ„ng klĂ€nning men har inte hittat den perfekta . Denna Ă€r ju verkligen underbar och bilderna du tog med den Ă€r ju helt magiska ! Skulle vara sĂ„ kul och vinna den !

    Jag har storlek XS

  93. Luisa says:

    amazing dress and it suits you so well!
    i’d take size S or XS, i’m not sure because they haven’t a sizechart yet.
    and maybe you could swith the language for commenting into english? it’s very difficult to get phrases like “Kom ihĂ„g mig!”
    would be great 🙂

  94. Maria Fernanda Ramirez says:

    Maria Fernanda Ramirez Cardenas

  95. Maria Fernanda Ramirez says:

    Maria Fernanda Ramirez

  96. nuunis says:

    alltsÄ wow ryggsidan Àr sÄ sjukt snygg pÄ ett enkelt sÀtt! sÄ sjukt nice att dra pÄ sig till nÀstan alla tillstÀllningar:) size:m

  97. Stine says:
    I’m a size S :)))
    It looks amazing

  98. Francesca Margariti says:

    Francesca Margariti

    size S

    Love the design of this dress! Amazing!

  99. rebeccaalexa says:

    SĂ„ satans fin klĂ€nning, dör typ 🙁

    Rebecca Alexa, XS,

  100. My Hommerberg says:

    hejhej fina du!!
    Jag har gillat sidan! 🙂
    Min storlek Àr S.

  101. Shannon Lovrovich says:

    This is such a gorgeous dress! XS

  102. Fredrika says:

    lovelovelove the dress!

    Fredrika Svensson
    (size M)

  103. Alba Sommerschield says:

    Size S! 🙂

  104. Cindy Vuong says:

    Jag skulle vilja hemskt vilja vinna kÀnningen i storlek XS.


  105. Amber Dickerson says:

    Amber Dickerson
    Size: L

  106. Wenxuan says:

    Khoo Wenxuan
    Size XS

    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  107. Mihaela Pojogu says:

    mihaela pojogu
    mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
    size xs

  108. Debora says:

    Great giveaway!
    I love this dress, size: M please 🙂
    Debora Ferri

  109. signe says:

    hĂ„ller tummarna till denna fina klĂ€nning!! 🙂

  110. Milena Popovic says:

    OMG!! Thank you for this opportunity! I looove this dress, and your style 🙂

  111. Elin says:

    SĂ„ fin! Har storlek S 🙂

  112. Annelie says:

    I love this dress and I really really need it. I wear size XS and my email adress is

  113. Ane says:

    Aneta Homzova,, size XS

  114. Crystal Powell says:; size small,2 or 4

  115. Kristyn gee says:

    Kristyn. , size medium (:

  116. Vilde says:

    Hvilken superfin kjole! SĂ„ elegant og likevel kul! Jeg er en str S/36.
    Super blogg, forresten!

  117. Jenny says:

    Love this dress ! Hopefully I’ll win !

    Jenny Bradley
    Size : S or 36 (european)

  118. Tove says:

    TjofrĂ€s. Jag blev lite ledsen över att inte vinna sheinside-tĂ€vlingen men nĂ€r du berĂ€tta om att skĂ€nka bort en av dessa klĂ€nningar dog jag lite. DEN ÄR SÅ SNYGG. Även om sĂ„ mĂ„nga andra Ă€r med och tĂ€vlar mĂ„ste jag ge det ett försök för detta kan seriöst vara min balklĂ€nning det Ă„r jag slutar gymnasiet. Herregud vad snyggt. GrĂ„tt Ă€r min favoritfĂ€rg och snygga ryggar Ă€lskar vĂ€ll alla? FörestĂ€ller mig redan hur det kommer se ut nĂ€r man tar kort framför slottet innan middagen… Åh… Ett par svarta klackar och en fin men enkel hĂ„ruppsĂ€ttning till klĂ€nningen skulle passa perfekt. Det skulle bli en magisk kvĂ€ll! Jag har storlek small i fall jag skulle bli den lyckliga vinnaren. Ska gĂ„ och hĂ„lla tummarna tills jag avlider nu, haha.
    Ha en underbar fredagskvÀll, xoxo

  119. Chrysa Demigod says:

    good luck 🙂

  120. Marcella says:

    Great Dress! Greets,
    SIZE M

  121. Lisa says:

    Hi! This dress is stunning! I can’t get over its back! I liked Astars on Facebook. Thanks!
    Name: Lisa Chiu
    size: S

  122. Federica Sbordone says:

    federica sbordone

  123. Tess van Brummelen says:

    Size: S

  124. Tina says:

    That dress is perfection. Love it!!! ♥

  125. steffie baaijens says:

    what a gorgeous dress !
    steffie baaijens

  126. moasofi says:

    Ähh vilken kul giveaway, klÀnningen Àr sÄ jÀkla snygg!
    (heter Moa Olsson pÄ fb om du vill kolla att jag gillat)

    en storlek S skulle jag vilja ha om jag vann! kram

  127. xenia says:


  128. julialinneapersson says:


  129. Sarah Pusteblume says:

    Wow, this dress is so so gorgeous! ♥

  130. Sarah Pusteblume says:

    Wow, this dress is so so gorgeous! ♥

  131. Sarah Neuwirth says:

    Svar till Sarah Pusteblume:
    Well… Somehow my post was doubled and cut in half… So once more:

    This dress is so so perfect! ♥
    My mail-address is and I’m a size M 🙂

  132. Camilla Jonsson says:

    Jag Ă€r med 🙂
    Har gillat sidan pÄ facebook och om jag vinner vill jag ha storlek S!

  133. Nani Kurniasih says:

    Nani Kurniasih
    Size S

  134. Emily Olofsson says:

    Size: S
    Hey Ebba, I would love to win this dress! It’s so gorgeous and different.. I really like the back! I hope it suit me that much as it suits you 🙂 I cross my fingers I might be lucky this time!

  135. Sofia Pessah says:

    sofia pessah
    storlek: L

  136. Emily says:

    Size: S
    please and thank you 🙂

  137. Nike says:

    En XS skulle sitta fint! kram

  138. Carla Arce says:

    I’d love to win!! That dress is gorgeous!

  139. Carla Arce says:

    Svar till Carla Arce:
    I forgot to say that my size is an XS, or an S if they don’t make the XS 🙂

  140. idasv says:

    Ida Svensson, har storlek M och min mailadress Àr

  141. Szabina says:

    Fabulous just like you!

    Szabina Luzics
    porcukorborso at gmail dot com
    size: S

    sparkly thanks

  142. cajsats says:

    Åh vilken superbra tĂ€vling, har gĂ„tt in och gillat sidan pĂ„ facebook!

    Cajsa Torstensson
    Storlek: Small

  143. Nichole Riggleman says:

    Liked the FB page! I hope I win!

  144. Nichole says:

    Name: Nichole Riggleman
    Size: Medium

  145. Alanna Bowman says:

    Ooh it’s gorgeous!
    Alanna Bowman
    Size XS

  146. Alanna Bowman says:

    Ooh it’s gorgeous!
    Alanna Bowman
    Size XS

  147. Dasom Nah says:

    Size: XS
    The dress is sooo pretty!!

Comments are closed