Fredag, gott folk!

Bilder från i måndags, tagna halvtimmen innan jag begav mig ut i pulkabacken. Bekvämt och bra, haha! Tröjan är som sagt från Yes.I, skorna second hand och brallorna från Vero Moda.

Det är fredag gott folk! Ikväll åker jag hem till mamma och pappa för en soft kväll i soffan. Ska bli mysigt att komma tillbaka för ett tag!

Translate: Photos from last Monday, taken half an hour before I went sledding with my friends. Comfortable and good, haha! The shirt is as you might remember from Yes.I, the shoes second hand and pants from Vero Moda.

It’s Friday, folks! Tonight I am going home to mom and dad for a soft evening on the couch.It will be nice to come back for a while!

28 responses to “Fredag, gott folk!

  1. katta says:

    Du är så förbannat vacker! Föddes du med perfekt hy eller hur ser din hudvård ut? 🙂

  2. majamarks says:

    Häftiga kläder du har Ebba, skulle bli glad om du kikade in på min blogg och kollar på mitt Videoinlägg! Kram

  3. frida xiang says:

    ohh i love it!! 😀

  4. emma says:

    ebba you look stunningly perfect! i have a question: are you natural skinny? i adore you so very much as this great inspiration you are for me. <3

  5. Ann-Catrin says:

    you’re eyes! so stunning! 🙂

  6. MyzaaN says:

    grymt jävla snyggt

  7. Sofia Reis says:

    I really like to see with straight hair, you have such a beautiful face!
    The whole look is so nice and looks very comfy :)*

  8. Stamina says:

    I thought you just move with your friend.. You miss your fam already? Love the shirt!!

  9. kati says:

    you’re like the pretties person i’ve ever seen! i hope you’re not a bitch in a real life, you look amazing 😮

  10. cajsa says:

    Jättefina bilder! 🙂

  11. Amanda says:

    vem tar dina outfitbilder nu när du har flyttat hemifrån?

  12. nina papaioannou says:

    you look amazing .. i love the pictures ..the cat shoes are sooo cool..

  13. Andie says:

    I am always amazed you don’t look like you are freezing to death in all that snow without a huge, heavy coat!! Stay warm, gorgeous!

  14. alva [foto & vardag] says:

    åh jag älskar ditt hår och din klädstil!
    du är så himla fin!

  15. Amanda says:

    du är så otroligt fin!
    Ge mig dina beeeen

  16. Sophia says:

    Oh, there’s so much snow. In Germany there’s nothing at all…:(

  17. Clara says:


  18. Tina says:

    so lovely<3 You’re pictures are always beautiful. I really wanted to paint a picture of you…so enjoy!

  19. Julia says:

    verkligen avgudar din stil, va heter läppstiftet? och vilket märke är det? 😀

    // MVH Julia <33

  20. Fanny says:

    helt otroligt snygg

  21. REBECKA says:

    riktigt snyggt! 😀

  22. Emma says:

    Åh så snyggt! Gaaalet.

    Färgar du håret hemma eller hos frisör? Isf vad heter färgen och vad är det för färg? Den passar sjukt bra på dig!

  23. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Julia: Det är från Make Up Store och färgen heter alarm 🙂

  24. Emilie says:

    Ah, Ebba, you are easily the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen! Your eyes, your hair, your perfect skin, the charming smile. I could list a thousand things I like about you. And the outfit is lovely. It looks so comfy, yet really fashionable.

    Oh, and a litte question: I’ve noticed that you have lost quite a bit of weight compared to your earlier photos. Is everything okay with your health? I hope you are happy and healthy!

  25. Emilie says:

    Ah, Ebba, you are easily the most beautiful person I?ve ever seen. Your eyes, your hair, your perfect skin, the charming smile. I could list a thousand things I like about you. And the outfit is lovely, it looks so comfy, yet very fashionable.

    Oh, and a little question: I?ve noticed that you have lost quite a bit of weight compared to your earlier photos. I hope everything is fine with your health? I wish for you to be happy and healthy!

  26. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Emelie: Wow, thank you so much! You got me soo happy! And don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m trying to gain weight at the moment 🙂

  27. Melanie says:

    Ebba, how incredible those pictures are, just wow!
    I love love love your shoes. I surched for them in the internet, but – no way to find them!
    Is there any way to get them? 🙂

    Love, Melanie

  28. karina says:

    you are sooo beautiful ! I cant believe that you are only 16 years old ! I love your hair soo much ! And you are also very fashionable..wish I will be so beautiful like you in my 16 !

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