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Yes, äntligen har andra fit me-filmen kommit ut! Även här sminkas jag av Stjärn-MUAN Gabriel Almodovar, men denna gång får jag en make för “drömfesten”- öppningsfesten för min egen second hand-butik. Är supernöjd med resultatet. Vad tycker ni?

Translate: (at the moment the video doesn’t work directly on my blog. Click HERE to watch it in a new window instead)

Yes, finally, second fit me-the video is out! The sucessful make up-artist Gabriel Almodovar gives me a make-up inspired by one of my dream partys- the opening of my own second hand store! I love the result. What do you think?

8 responses to “FIT ME 2#- DRÖMFESTEN

  1. Isabell says:

    I think, latest in 2 years you will have opened your own second hand store. I know you are a person who realizes her dreams. So I wish you good luck! 😉

  2. Marsha says:

    Waah ! I love it! You are so pretty and your dress is amazing! You should do a post about his outfit 😉 Awesome !!

  3. Rav says:


  4. Aquamarine says:

    Can you tell me, isn’t your Fit me foundation (115) too pink? If you know, what I mean 🙂 I really wanna buy it, but I’m scared of that color.

  5. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Aquamarine: No, the color looks good on my skin, and it’s really easy to apply 🙂

  6. Hanne says:

    Why is there a part in the video where you’re suddenly wearing a blue top?

  7. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Hanne: It’s from my first make, just to show when he’s applying the foundation 🙂

  8. Frida says:

    OMG you skin is great! You have to tell me what products do you use?!

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