(me and Charlie on an evening walk last week, he had just got his hair cut, haha) 


Sitter och lägger upp ett litet schema inför fashionweek nästa vecka. Även fast jag bara hinner vara där på tisdag så kommer jag ha massor att göra! Jag har ju aldrig kunnat åka dit tidigare (det krockar ju alltid med skolstarten och det ena med det andra) så det känns verkligen jättekul! Dagen därpå åker jag till Antwerpen i Belgien för att plåtas för ett hyfsat välkänt amerikanskt företag (vet inte hur mycket jag får berätta om det än), vilket jag också ser fram emot jättemycket. Bra vecka, med andra ord! 


I’m sitting and putting together a little schedule for fashion week next week. Even though I only have time to be there on Tuesday, I’ll have plenty of things to do! I’ve never been able to go there before so it feels soo fun! The day after that I’ll go to Antwerpen in Belgium to model for a quite well-known American company (don’t know how much I can talk about it yet), which I also look forward to a lot. Next week will be a good week, in other words!

9 responses to “FASHIONWEEK/PLANS

  1. myhrans says:

    Aw vilka söta bilder!

  2. Hanne says:

    Vad fint! Jag bor ju i Antwerpen 🙂

  3. Tra Mi says:

    Adorable photos.
    Looking forward to your modelling 🙂

  4. gladys doris dave says:

    Oh Ebba, so cool! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Belgium! If you would have the time, I would love to meet you! It would be really awesome!

  5. gladys doris dave says:

    Oh Ebba, so cool! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Belgium! If you would have the time, I would love to meet you! It would be really awesome!

  6. gladys doris dave says:

    Oh Ebba, so cool! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Belgium! If you would have the time, I would love to meet you! It would be really awesome!

  7. Mayflower says:

    Lucky you! Enjoy! 🙂

  8. Jeline says:

    So many exciting things are happening for you. Have fun, Ebba! 🙂

  9. catjas says:

    Underbara bilder!

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