Tjoho! Här är några av de extremt få bilder som knäpptes med min kamera i lyckoruset under student-dagen. SÅ. KUL. Nu ska jag och Ebba snart börja preppa inför Summerburst ikväll! Har verkligen dålig koll på line-upen men det ska ändå bli skoj. Det finns ju så mycket att fira nu! Sommaren, studenten, livet ba. Weho!


Yay! Here are some of the extremely few images that came undone with my camera in the euphoric chaos during my graduationt day. SO. FUN. Now it’s time for me and Ebba to start preparing for Summerburst tonight! I’m SO excited, there’s so much to celebrate now! The summer, graduation, life. Weho!

7 responses to “EUPHORIA

  1. myhrans says:

    Himla härliga bilder, du ser så lycklig ut! Stort grattis! 😀

  2. Monika says:

    I graduate this year too and I have the longest holidays in my life! Wohop 😀 have a crazzzzyy summer Ebba! I know you will have a lot of funny plans, I hope you can inspire me C:
    Hugs, Monika from Poland

  3. fannyjasmine says:

    hej, hoppas du får en härlig fredag! kolla gärna in min blogg. 🙂

  4. nenacecilia says:

    Congrats! What a cool outfit you are all wearing in Sweden for graduation (:

  5. renee says:

    Åh va kul! Grattis!

  6. Nato says:

    Congraduations for your graduation 😀 You’re so lovely 🙂 I love your hats!! They are so cool! Don’t you think that it’s like sailors or seamens ha? 😀 I’m in love with this little watermelons and yur roses :_) interesting, who gave it you? 🙂 aslo, fanny is so lovely :* I hope you will show us some more pictures and pleeeease reply me 🙂

  7. fannydarling says:

    så fin! knäppte också bara ett fåtal, bilder är ju typ det sista en tänker på den dagen haha!

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