Ett år från nu- JUNI 2012

I juni förra året såg jag ut såhär. Jag flängde runt mest hela tiden och hade väldigt lite tid för att ta riktiga outfitbilder. Månaden innan hade jag nämligen fått ett jobberbjudande som slutade med att jag början av juni gjorde mitt livs häftigaste resa. I en vecka jobbade jag i Kina och gick i princip omkring storögd hela tiden och bara tog in kulturen, språket, omgiviningarna och maten. När jag kom hem var det skolavslutning och plötsligt hade jag gått ut högstadiet, så jag och Diana tog planet till stockholm för att leva livet med events, grönan, lite jobb och så shopping förstås. Efter att återvänt till Umeå hann jag vila upp mig i knappt en vecka innan det bar iväg på P&L, och jag var så peppad att jag inte visste vars jag skulle ta vägen. Vilken look gillar ni mest?

In June last year I looked something like this. I was on the road all the time and had very little time to take proper outfit photos. The month before, I had gotten a job offer that I ended up with my life’s most amazing trip in the beginning of June. In a week I worked in Beijing, China and was amazed all the time by the culture, language, surroundings and the food. I got home at the last day of school and suddenly I had finished secondary school, so me and Diana took the plane to Stockholm to live life with events, amusement parks, a little work and so of course shopping. After returning to Umeå I got to rest in less than a week before I went to P&L (Sweden’s biggest music festival, I think), and I was so excited that I didn’t know where to go. Which look do you like most?

18 responses to “Ett år från nu- JUNI 2012

  1. Nation of gorgeousness says:

    Loved the blue dress you’re wearing in China, and I also loved the last outfit so much!

  2. Julie M. says:

    You look amazing Ebba! Absolutely!!!

    Loves from:

  3. Kayli says:

    love all your photos!!
    u look stunning!! 🙂

    hope you have chance to stop by my blog, too~
    have a wonderful week!!

  4. Eva says:

    All the looks are awesome but I especially love the look with the red Martens and the black look!

  5. Michello says:

    Den svarta looken lätt! Gillar bootsen och glasögonen!

  6. Charlotte says:

    Snyggt! 🙂

  7. Anja says:

    It seems you had a great time last year. All the looks are gorgeous but I particularly like the one with red backpack and the one with satchel.

    Btw. You are really amazing and I love your blog. 😉

  8. frida says:

    åhh så fine bilder!! synes den røde sekken og den blomstrete kjolen sammen med hatten var så fint!! 😀

  9. Katie says:

    I totally adore your pictures, on the first you look like from fairlytale, oh you’re so beautiful!!! and you seems to be so nice 🙂 really you are very good looking girl, like little fox haha your hair are so so so cool <3

  10. Miranda says:

    I love your style and you are so gorgeous!!

  11. Evamaria says:

    I love the first outfit! I’m curious – is that your natural haircolour?

  12. Linnéa says:

    Måste säga den sista. Så enkelt men ändå härligt retro

  13. Hayley says:

    Gorgeous dress in the first photo! love all the photos you look beautiful 😀

    Hayley xx

  14. katy vess says:

    beautiful pictures!

  15. Alicia says:

    oh it seems so that you have a very interesting live. then and now. i hope it stays that way 🙂 i’m a little bit jealous:D you look great as always especially on the 3. picture and on the picture with your friend.

  16. Ivana :) says:

    you look so great and have a great, great style!
    love it all 🙂

  17. Danai says:

    Love the dress in the first photo! 🙂

  18. Marjolein says:

    Den första, helt klart! Men den röda ryggsäcken är också grym 😀

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