I december 2011 var mitt liv ganska lungt. Snön hade börjat lägga sig ordentligt, jag fikade mycket med vänner och gjorde bort terminens sista plugg samtidigt som jag pysslade med att bygga pepparkakshus om kvällarna. Min lilla Tshirt-kollektion lanserades och det blev klart att jag skulle flytta ihop med Karin. Julen firades hemma med släkten och på nyårsafton ordnade jag och Karin en fantastisk nyårsfest. December var en väldigt bra månad! Jag gillar looken jag har på mig på näst sista bilden, men så har jag ju som bekant en crush på alla slags set och kostymer. Vilken look gillar ni bäst?

In December 2011, my life was pretty calm. The snow had started to cover the city, I often had coffee with friends and studied for the semester’s last tests while I built gingerbread houses during the evenings. My little tshirt collection was launched and it got decided that I would move in with Karin. Christmas was celebrated at home with family and at New Year’s Eve me and Karin arranged a fabulous New Year’s party. December was a very good month! I like the look I’m wearing in the second last picture, but I have as you know a crush on all kinds of sets and costumes. Which look do you like best?

17 responses to “ETT ÅR FRÅN NU- DECEMBER 2011

  1. Eva says:

    Love all the looks but the second and the last one are my favorites 😉 xx

  2. Anonymous says:

    you should gain weight :S

  3. cris says:

    you should gain weight :S

  4. Suzy says:

    The red coat is really beautiful<3

  5. Sasha says:

    Miss your red hair, but you beautiful with any colours! Have a good weekend 🙂

  6. Juliet says:

    Your blog is awesome!!! Love him totally and I have to follower right now <3

  7. sara says:

    Uh, Ebba, seeing these pic I realized that is one year since I’ve started to follow u… <<<<<3 I started cause I fell in love with the pic of the tartan costume with the yellow longsleeves.
    have a nice new year’s Eve

  8. katy vess says:

    amazing but what i truly adore the most is the first pic, wow!

  9. Tra Mi says:

    I miss your ginger hair. Anyway my fav outfit of yours is probably the one with the costume and yellow shirt.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The first, the seventh and the second last are my favorites.

  11. Marjolein says:

    Jag bara älskar den gula tröjan med hästar på! 😀

  12. orin says:

    love those looks ! its funny exactly a year ago I got to know you in “look book”, and started follow your blog <3 🙂 – its my blog 🙂

  13. orin says:

    and the second is the best look !

  14. Anonymous says:

    I really really like the photo with button .. You just remind me of Coraline from the movie “C?r?lina in the country of nightmares”)))

  15. google, says:

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  16. Sabine says:

    Keep on working, great job!

  17. Vinita Cypret says:

    Hallå vilken är din absoluta film?

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