Ett gäng av mina senaste bilder från instagram. Alltifrån fina personer i mitt kök, semlor på fettisdagen, hundkramar i snön och ett jag som kanske mest av allt liknar en alien. Haha. Ni kan följa mig på @ebbazingmark om ni inte redan gör det. Har ni någon favoritbild?
A bunch of my latest pictures at instagram. Lovely people in my kitchen, on cream buns at the cream bun-day, dog hugging in the snow and a picture whera I most of all look like an alien. Haha. You can follow me at @ ebbazingmark if you don’t already follow me. Do you have a favorite photo?
Great snapshots! Here are mine:
lovely photos!
love, Gongy
cute all the way
Underbaaara bilder !
Hi;) How do you eat your avocados?;) i know, is sounds stupid, but you’ve posted a buch of avocado sandwiches and i’m really intrested what exactly do you add? or what do you link with it? Any spices? cheese? other vegetables?