Yes, nu kan ni rösta fram september mĂ„nads Most Wanted (och samtidigt fĂ„ chansen att delta i en fin giveaway) pĂ„ Jag skulle sĂ„klart bli skitglad om ni röstade pĂ„ mig HĂR! instruktion: Till höger pĂ„ bilden stĂ„r det “framĂ„t”, klicka och fortsĂ€tt fram till den du vill rösta pĂ„. Du kan ge varje nominerad 1-5 poĂ€ng. Genom att fylla i din e-mail nedanför bilden sĂ„ deltar du i tĂ€vlingen om ett lyxigt nattlinne.
Translate: Yes, It’s time to vote for September’s Most Wanted Blogger (and at the same have the chance to participate in a nice giveaway) at I would be really happy if you voted for me HERE!  Instructions: At the right side of the image it says “framĂ„t”, click there and continue forward until you reach the blogger you want to vote for. You can give each nominee 1-5 score. By filling in your e-mail below the image you’ll participate in the competition for a luxurious nightgown