Precis som nĂ„gra av er har upptĂ€ckt sĂ„ finns det nu att köpa en tröja med mig pĂ„ hos Romwe ocksĂ„. Döpt efter en stjĂ€rna, “YAVIN IV”, och tillgĂ€nglig i blĂ„tt, rött och grĂ„tt. Snygg, huh? Ville mest bara berĂ€tta att de har fĂ„tt min tillĂ„telse att anvĂ€nda bilden och jag har fĂ„tt ersĂ€ttning och sĂ„ vidare, sĂ„ det Ă€r inget fuffens med det hela. Kanske nĂ„got för vinnarna i min Romwe-giveaway? Haha. (klick)
Translate: Just as some of you have discovered, now there’s a shirt with me on at Romwe too. Named after a star, “Yavin IV”, and available in blue, red and gray. Nice, huh? I just wanted to tell you that they have received my permission to use the picture and I have been compensated, and so on, so it’s no trick to it all. Maybe something for the winners of my Romwe-giveaway? Haha. (klick)