Reason behind being vegan? I think it?s unnecessary to kill or make animals suffer just for you to eat a hamburger. It?s so easy being a vegetarian/vegan that it?s definitely not worth it eating meat. But that?s up to every person?s conscience!
Hur ser din boendesituation ut egentligen? Mellan nyår och juni bodde jag tillsammans med Karin i en fin lägenhet. Sedan flyttade hennes syster hem till Sverige från Australien och jag blev tvungen att flytta ut, så nu bor jag med mina päron igen.
I´m really intetrested in when (how old did you were) and why do you lived with your friends in an own appartement! I lived with my friend Karin in our own apartment in about 5 months from the beginning of this year, then her sister moved back to Sweden from Australia and had to move in to the apartment, so I couldn?t stay. Now I?m back with my parents again. We both were 16 when we lived together.

Me and Karin during our moving in-party last new year’s eve.
Betalar du för din lilla åsna som du har adopterat? Adoptionen räcker bara i ett år, så eftersom det gått 12 månader nu så är det dags att hitta något nytt djur/organisation att stödja!
Har ni utländskt blod i familjen? Ditt efternamn är inte så vanligt! Nja, jag tror att jag har lite franskt blod väldigt avlägset, men annars är jag nog så svensk man kan bli, vart mitt efternamn kommer ifrån vet jag faktiskt inte.
When was your first kiss? Probably at kindergarden, I had many guy friends and I really liked kissing them, haha.

Me and my friend at kindergarden maaany years ago.
What?s your favourite music? Do you like groups like Mumford and Sons? I like almost all music! But I have a thing for old music and some Swedish artists like Annika Norlin (Hello Saferide), and yes, I love Mumford and Sons!
What?s on your wishlist for Chrismas this year? Oh, not very much actually. I?m not so much for the presents at chrismas, I like all the delichious food and hanging with friends and family. But I?d be really happy to get Good books, a white photo background for my studio, nice underwear and colorful socks.