Top- breaking rocks, bag-jump form paper, boots- Shellys LondonSarenza, hat- 2hand.


God morgon! Kul att ni gillar videon jag postade igår. Det gör mig sjukt glad! För övrigt spenderar jag denna dag med julklappsfixande och skola. Det är alltid full rulle såhär nära julafton! Kram på er!


Good morning! Glad you like the video I posted yesterday. It makes me so happy! Incidentally, I’m spending this day with arrangeing Christmas gifts and studying at school. You’re always so busy this close to Christmas Eve! Hugs for you!

5 responses to “CARTOONISH

  1. Singelbloggaren says:

    Cool väska! Jag trodde först den var ditmålad. 🙂

  2. myhrans says:

    Gud vilken söt outfit!

  3. Sara H says:

    sååå cool väska! Love it!

  4. Hayley says:

    amazing! That jumper is gorgeousss. You look amazing as always 😉

    Hayley xx

  5. Sofia says:

    Oh my god, this outfit is so cuute ! You are actually just like a cartoon character like that, and your bag si amazing ! 🙂 ♥
    (just take a look to my own blog, and follow if you like, I follow back ! 🙂 ♥ )

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