Jag antar att ni kan se vars dessa bilder är tagna. Anledningen till att jag postar dem är att jag och tre vänner har bokat en resa till Berlin på sportlovet! På tågluffen i somras stannade vi bara i Berlin i tre dagar, men redan då blev vi förälskade i staden. Under de tre dagarna hann vi besöka East side Gallery, förintelsemonumentet och vegan-haken Veganz och Döner. Nu är jag sjukt nyfiken på om ni har några Berlin-tips? Vi stannar i en vecka så vi kommer ha gott om tid att upptäcka staden!

I guess most of you can see where these pictures are taken. The reason I’m posting them is that me and three friends have booked a trip to Berlin in a few weeks! During the interrail last summer we only stayed in Berlin for three days, but even then we fell in love with the city. During the time we had we visited East Side Gallery, the Holocaust Memorial, Veganz and Döner. This time we will stay for a whole week so we will have plenty of time to discover the city! Do you have any Berlin-tips? Is there any places we can’t miss?

28 responses to “BERLINTIPS?

  1. Kristin says:

    Åh, jag ä.l.s.k.a.r. Berlin! Mitt första tips är att istället för att bo på hostel hyra lägenhet! Airbnb tillexempel är seriösa och priset blir ofta lägre än ett sunkigt hostel! Jag tycker mest om stadsdelarna Kreutzberg och Friedrichhein.
    Jag är inte asbra på vegan-mat-ställen med Que Pasa vid Görlitzer Banhof har den godaste vegetariska tacon ever (har vanlig ost på sig) + grymt goda, billiga cocktails. Åh, vad ska jag säga mer.. Jag har varit i Berlin 7-8 gånger och det finns så mycket att göra. Gå på barrunda i ert kvarter, in på varje bar och ta en öl innan ni går vidare. Grymt sätt att komma ifrån de mer turistiga barerna! Sen finns det sällskapsspelsbarer och pingisbarer om man inte bara vill dricka öl! Om ni inte var på judiska museet vid förintelsemonumentet måste ni besöka det, oerhört stark upplevelse..
    Ät frukost/brunch på mysiga fik, en früstuck-tallrik ger ofta mycket mat för hyfsat lite pengar. Åh, jag vill också till Berlin igen, trots att jag var där för en månad sen..

  2. Anna says:

    gå på alla humana! och besök tacheles(googla)!!! och barbiebar!

  3. Marlena says:

    Wuhuuu BERLIN!
    Fridrichshein and Kreuzberg are very intresting while walking throug the streets you can find many grafittties, nice shops and cafes 🙂
    For shopping of course the Kurfürstendamm and visit the Boxhagener Platz at Friedrichshein ther’re many small shops and in the evening there are nice restaurants and bars . And at sunday you coeld visit a flea market for example at the Bernauer Straße.
    that are just a few nice things in Berlin . Have fun there 🙂

  4. Matilda says:
    det här stället har världens godaste vegetariska hamburgare. helt klart värt ett besök (eller fem)

  5. Sophie says:

    aaah i’m so jealous! you really need to go to ‘Mehringdamm’, that’s where all the cool HUGE vintage shops are!

  6. B. says:

    I fell in love with Berlin when I went there last summer. It’s an amazing city.
    Go and have a picnic at the canal near the where the Berlin wall is. That area of Berlin is even cool just to look at people.

    Breathe Me

  7. christoffer says:

    tacheles, ett övergivet köpcenter ockuperat av balla konstnärer, är ju ett jäkligt häftigt ställe. google it!!

  8. Annemette says:

    You have to try the Unsicht-Bar restaurant in Berlin! I’ve already been there twice and it is a really fun experience!
    You basically eat in the dark. And not just dark-it’s-a-little-difficult-to-see, but really DARK! You can’t see a thing! First you order a menu (either chicken, beef, fish, vegetarian or surprise) and you are being placed at a table where you get the food – but you don’t know what you are getting (just that it is either the beef, chicken, fish, vegetarian or surpise menu). So you really taste the food more. And it can be quite funny to try and eat properbly when you can’t see! I would recommend that! It is a little bit more expensive than other restaurants, but not much at all!
    You can reserve a table here:

  9. Magdalena says:

    Hey Ebba, Berlin – a good Decision. You should visit the Garage it’s a second hand shop near the Nollendorfplatz. The shop isn’t very cheap at all, sometimes even expensive, but there always you find very nice retro pieces, that’s for sure. Moreover if you want to go shopping visit Friedrichstraße or Kurfürstendamm if you want, but the Kurfürstendamm is the Tourist/Moneyed sight of shopping in Berlin which I don’t like very much. I would visit the Mauerpark (if you didn’t have before you must) It’s a big beautiful Park in Berlin, in Summer half of the City sits on his meadows and every Sunday you can watch the open air caraoke or you can participate if you want. And you can visit the TV-Tower, which is the most important Symbol for Berlin (instead of the Berlin Bear of course). You have a beautiful view on the hole city from there.
    In summer of course it’s more funny stuff to go trough in Berlin.

    So here summarized: Mauerpark, Garage (Second Hand Shop), TV-Tower

    I think that’s the most important Places to see. And when you want to make a long walk, than go through Kreuzberg, there is much to see (Streetart, People.. depends on which time you go there)

    So I wish you fun there! And one thing is important, you have to go dancing in a real Berlin Underground club, that is fun the whole night. 😉

  10. Cecilia says:

    Hyr en cykel, eller åk på cykelturer med guide. Jag älskar att cykla och få göra det med en snygg och duktig guide som visar en Berlin gör det inte sämre! Åh tuffa berlin.

  11. Paulina-Sophia Lorenz says:

    firstly you have to visit the district ‘charlottenburg’ with all its cool second-hand shops! then you should see the ‘hakeschen höfe’ where you can eat great and discover many individual shops! the ‘gendarmenmarkt’ (especially in the evening) is a lovely space to rest for some minutes, while you can listen (with a bit luck) to exceptional street musicans. if you have the time you should also see the ‘staatsballett berlin’ either in the ‘deutsche oper berlin’ or ‘friedrichstadt-palast’!! this is a great event for a nice evening!

  12. Ada says:

    Hello!! Last summer me and two friends more we went to visit Berlin too , we also staid for three days , and this summer we are also going of interrail and we will visit again Berlin because we felt in love of the city too.

    Last year we stayd in a hotel that I totaly recomend you if you dont have hotel yet, search for one80 degree , is a hotel of only young people is a hotel really cool , because is new and moderm .

    Last year we paid for go to visit the concentration camp, I don´t know if you have visited already , is a long trip of one morning , but I think that you need to see it.

    We also paid a trip on boat to visit the monuments outside with the boat , is a cheap trip and is easy to find because many companies organize it.

    Last year we didn´t do it but this year we will rent bikes , there is also a trip for visit the Turkish quarter , in alexanderplatz you can do bungee jumping from the top of a bulding (this is for crazy people but maybe you like it) .

    Inside tour , is the name of a company that organize many activities .

    Hope my information helps you

    ps: I love your blog, I visit it every day I have seen some of your interrail videos of youtube hope we have a great time like you

  13. Karla says:

    hey! i life in berlin since half a year and there is soo much that even i havent discovered everything yet.
    i can really recommend to go second hand shopping, in kreuzberg there are soo many shops and you can get a map (i think from tourist information) where all places with second hand stores are remarked. one of my favourites is colours in kreuzberg where you pay for the weight.
    go to the fleamarket in mauerpark!
    apart from that there are always great foto expositions in altes postfuhramt (co berlin), very often from fashion fotographers, really recommended!

  14. jule says:

    how great 🙂 you really have to go to the flea market in the “Mauerpark” (Prenzlauer Berg). It’s every sunday and there are lots of artist, musicians, beautiful things/clothes to buy and lots of fresh (vegan!) food. it’s so lovely! but I don’t know if its so beautiful in winter, I’ve only been there in summer/spring. And also a must is the squat/house of artists “Tacheles”. But I think they wanted to punish it, so I hope, it’s still there. So stunning! and take a look at this page for beautiful cafés:
    enjoy your journey!

  15. Street Fashion Paris says:

    Berlin is so cool!!!! I love it!!!

  16. Louisa says:

    Berlin is really a great city, when i´m finish with school this summer
    i would love to move to Berlin and study there…

    You need to visit : the St. Oberholz Café it´s a nice place where you def. will meet great people, it´s on the Rosenthaler Platz and the Shit Shop (Rückerstraße 10) have a good time there and enjoy 🙂

  17. Anonymous says:

    Second hand butiken Colours som ligger i Kreutzberg. Där betalar man i vikt istället för per plagg! Har föt mig att den låg vid huvudgatan berggmanstrasse eller något sånt.

  18. jenny says:

    häckesche höfe are beautiful in the evening.
    the samariterviertel in friedrichshain is beautiful and the area around warschauer str. is also great,esp. for partying.
    there is a fleamarket in mauerpark. it is nice but veeery can find a lot of musicians and street artists there. and karaoke in the summer.
    prenzlauer berg is really nice,too. kastanienallee,oderberger str. and kollwitzplatz.
    you will find a lot of vintage stores,cafes…just everything by wandering around.
    kreuzberg is nice too!!
    the jatz bar in wedding is great for chilling.
    there are nice cafes around rosenthaler platz and i love to go shopping around the area weinmeisterstr. which is in berlin mitte.

  19. Nora says:

    you have to go to ruby´s : they have vegan and glutenfree pizza – really good!! its at skalitzerstraße!

  20. wirag says:

    Have a really good time there!
    I so envy you because of the lot of travelling you do!
    It’s so great to see the world!

  21. Lena says:

    Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg are very nice places, cool cafés and nice people (: in Berlin Mitte, the shopping centers Alexa and Kaufhaus des Westens are cool, and you should definitely do a boat trip on the Spree, then you see a lot of places you wouldn’t have seen onshore.

  22. vanessa says:

    if you like good old rock music, check out these two clubs (they are in the same street): ,
    they play great live music! have fun in berlin! 🙂

  23. Anonymous says:

    i live in berlin and every sunday you should definitely visit the mauerpark (wallpark) .
    you can go shopping on the flea market and listen to the volunteers singing karaoke in front of a hundred people .
    Another place to have a great shopping trip is on the westside of berlin. Kurfürsten Damm.

  24. Cecilie Nicolaisen says:

    Så fine bilder! Jeg vil veldig gjerne til Berlin, men jeg lurer på en ting. Hvor er toppen du har på fra? Veldig fin 😀

  25. ebbazingmark says:

    Cecilie: Tack! Den är från 🙂

  26. Leeloo says:

    you really have to go to the “garage” that someone mentioned before, it’s a really nice second hand / vintage shop near “nollendorfplatz”.
    for some cool / alternative clubbing go to the station “warschauer str” there is an area where are only clubs and nothing else. and really nice ones.
    another cool club is the “brunnen 70” it is more in the middle of berlin.
    if you want to have a breakfast at 3 o’clock in the morning, you can visit “schwarzes cafe” it has opened 24/7 and they serve breakfast at any time you want (but this is more in the western part of berlin).
    what may be also interesting for you, is the “stattbad wedding”, it is a waterless bathingpool used for nice occasions, just check their website to see, what’s currently going on.
    kreuzberg (like the station: kottbusser tor) is also a great great area, you should take a falafel at “habbibi”! and there are also loads of nice clubs and bars.
    and two other nice cafes/bars are “factory girl” (near warschauer str) and “wohnzimmer” (means: living room) (near e.g. schönhauser allee station).
    oh and there is much much more, but i think it is enough for now haha.
    so i hope, you girls are gonna have fun then!

  27. elsa says:


    har bott i Berlin i 8 månader… jag skulle rekommendera second hand affären : colour . gatan som heter ebenswalderstrasse är oxå mysig, där och på sidogatan finns det oxå bra second hander. Även klubben dr.pong som ligger där är bra! i fredrichain finns det en klubb som heter vilda renate som jag skulle rekommendera, likså finns det en som heter “the elevator” eller något sånt.

    Primark kanske oxå är värt ett besök?

  28. N.Bradbury says:

    This is a great photo, but I warn you, the wall is obscene expression in Russian 🙂

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