DAGS FÖR FRÅGESTUND! Det var länge sedan, huh? Jag gissar att det ändå dykt upp några funderingar det senaste året och jag vet att min närvaro i kommentarsfältet varit lite väl sporadisk. Fråga mig vad ni vill om jobb/berlin/livssituation så lovar jag att svara på allt! Sounds good? Då kör vi!
Time for a Q&A session! It has been a reaaallly long time since last time, huh? I guess some question marks has crossed your mind while reading my blog in the past year and I know that I haven’t answered all of your comments either. Ask me anything you want about my work/life situation/Berlin and I promise to answer e-v-e-r-y-thing! Sounds good? Ask away!
Hej! Vad är dina mål jobbmässigt? Hur länge tror du att du kommer bo i Berlin och vad vill du göra efter det? Tror du att du kommer vilja börja plugga och i så fall vad? Kram
Which is your height?
Hur ser du på utelivet i Berlin? Vilka är dina favoritställen? Vart kommer man alltid in? Har du varit på de “stora”, aka Berghein osv? Hur tyckte du att det var?
Om du fick barn, vad skulle dom heta?
Hey! Do you ever plan on visiting out of Europe? Please do!
What tool did you used to use for merging your photos together so there was no lines and it looked like one photo?
Happy New year! 🙂
Är du det minsta lilla religiös?
Vad har du för kamerautrustning?
När började du som modell? Alltså när började du göra mer seriösa saker? 🙂
Hur ser en vanlig dag ut för dig?
Och juste! Drog du någon slutsats kring cornrows-dilemmat?
Is the integration in Berlin easy ?
Like, what are the most common struggles for a stranger ? It is easy to find a work ? (:
( love your blog btw ! <3 and happy new year ! )
What do you think defines a good person? What kind of personality should she/he have?
What do you think defines a good and expectional person? What personality should she/he have?
ops I’m sorry I sent it twice haha! It didn’t sent the first one at the beginning
I love your blog!! At what age did you become a vegan and were there ant spesific reasons for why you wanted to become one?
Do you have any advice for everyday-happiness? (like little things that makes you happy on a comepletley normal day?) 🙂
I always wondered, approximately how many clothes do you have in your wardrobe (like xx pieces of any trousers, xx t-shirts..) :).
Do you have any experiences with Olaplex (especially longterm)?
If I sent you 2 T-shirts that said; “We are all Texan” would you post a picture of yourself and Fanny modeling them?
Hur underhåller du ditt jätteblonda hår? Alltså så att det håller sig så kallt.
Hi Ebba!! What Program do you use to edit you photos and through which procedure your pics become so beautiful?? Do you do a tutorial??? Which camera and lens do you use during your shootings??
Thank you so much!
What books do you recommend to read? What movies to watch? Do you have your favourite photographer? Musician? Oh, I’m so curious… Wish you all the best.
what makes a piece of clothing unique?
if you were to wear pieces of only one designer for the rest of your life – who would that be?
Är du inte vegan längre? Varför?
Vad är de jobbigaste grejerna du gått igenom i livet?
Are you and Gnusse dating?
Hej Ebba! Måste säga att jag älskar din blogg!! Jag undrar om du har några bra tips på vardaglig vegansk mat.
Vad använder du för dator?
Ett av dina mål 2016 är att utvidga ditt kompisgäng. Hur gör man? Hur tänker du att du vill göra det? Jag har samma mål o skulle vilja lära känna nya människor, en ny krets, hellre starkare relation till få än många ytliga, men vet inte riktigt hur jag ska börja. Jag fattar att det är energikrävande speciellt när man e mestadels introvert.
känner du någonsin press från modellyrket att ändra din kropp/behålla den på ett visst sätt?
och om du har det, hur har du hanterat det isåfall?
Hey Ebba! I wonder what are your future plans in work and personal life. Do you want to have children? If you do how many? 😀 thanks
Hello Ebba ! I was wondering how did you decide you wanted to move from Sweden to Germany. I mean if it was very difficult to take the decision or not. I’m a girl from France and since I’m finally finishing college I want to change horizons but I don’t really know if I’m ready to leave my country.
Anyway, Happy New Year to you ! =)
A big “Hello” from tiny little Denmark!
If you could choose to be a disney cartoon character which one would you prefer? Because of its personality, appearance or actions?
Hej Ebba!
Yes för frågestund! Jag planerar att flytta till Berlin och plugga i vår. Ungefär så långt är planen klar.
Nu undrar jag jättemycket hur du hittat boende i huvudsta’n och om du vill tipsa om de bästa/mest populära sajterna eller byråerna där en kan hitta en bra hyreslya? Jag söker en liten etta. Enormt tacksam för svar!
Hi Ebba, do you have boyfriend /girlfriend? Lol
How did you and Gnusse meet? Are you a couple or just good friends? 🙂
What do you miss most from Sweden when you are in Berlin (except for family and friends)?
Do you have any plans on moving back to Sweden, or maybe another city in Europe?
What’s your favourite vegetarian dish?
When did you become vegan will not affect health or something ? Love you!
Förut sa du att du var väldigt osäker när det kommer till att prata engelska, har det förändrats?
hello! ive also a question, but i really dont want to sound rude, im just curious: what do you exactly do when you are saying that you work? besides photography and modelling? im really curious how a week of work for a fulltime blogger looks like! there are many things we readers dont know and cant think of, something like” a day in life…. ” or “a week in life ” would be really interesting <3
hi. i saw you as redhead and that was amazing. of course you are beautiful like this too. but do you think to be redhead again?
i always wonder about your sexual orientation? are you heterosexual? i read your blog since years, and i think you never wrote anything about your love life.
Hi Ebba!
I’m curious about which kind of relationship would you like to have with your fans?
I mean, it must be a little stressful to have such a big amount of comments, people looking at you everytime…
How do you feel having so many followers and fans? Would you like to close the gap with them? Or would you rather keep their distance?
Kisses, from another fan of yours
Hey Ebba! I love your blog, i’ve been reading it for many years now! It’s one of my top 3 favorite blogs!
Since i’ve been your follower for so long i was wondering what happen to Karen (girl with red hair, you were really close friends back than), are you no longer friends? Also, how’s your relationship with Fanny, are you super close? Is she going to live with you in Berlin now? Did you ever have a boyfriend/girlfriend? You never write anything about your love life so i was just wondering..
Take care xxx
Hi, Ebba. Would you like to visit Russia someday? Which parts of our big country would you like to see?
Hejsan, jag och min klass ska åka till Berlin i vår på en riktig klassresa, vi läser media så jag undrar om du har lite tips på vad vi skulle kunna hitta på som är lämpligt för mediaeelever i Berlin? Det behöver inte vara media relaterat men gärna något som funkar för en klass och är lite media eller konst relaterat!
Hiii Ebba! sending a question all the way from Korea<333
I was just curious of how you started your blog – and some tips of blogging also – as I'm currently trying to make one of mine for my artwork, and don't know where to start! So could u tell me how you specifically made your blog and your tips for blogging?
Love you and your style – I've been watching your blog for a long time now, and your work is just incredible kkk
Lots of love xxxx
ebba, how do you find your clothes? do you search for a specific item (also online using google?) or do you just check several shops/pages? do you buy more online or in shops?