And the world keeps on turning.

Sneakis på morgondagens look. Väldigt old school sådär. Förresten, tusen tack för alla otroligt peppande kommentarer jag fått på sista tiden. Ni är verkligen så himla fina, hela bunten! Även om jag inte alltid hinner svara så ska ni veta att jag läser varenda en och blir lika glad varje gång. Puss!

Sneakpeek at tomorrow’s look. Very Old School inspired. However, I just wanted to thank you for all the encourageing comments I’ve recieved lately. You are so nice! Eaven if I sometimes haven’t the time to answer, I want you to know that I read every one of them an I get really happy every time. Thank you!

20 responses to “And the world keeps on turning.

  1. frida says:

    love the photos!!

  2. Jessica says:

    I love your style, and I really like you more with your current hair colour. It looks perfect on you. 🙂

  3. Tram says:

    I love the shirt, I’m curious!

  4. JustinaVeraMaria says:

    Love your pictures, love your style.

  5. Iris Anna Sofia says:

    You´re super beautiful darling♥

  6. Hanah says:

    I wish I was as pretty as u are 🙂

  7. Sophie says:

    Du är otroligt vacker Ebba!

  8. Pip says:

    Oh, I can’t wait for this shoot tomorrow! I just know you’re going to look so beautiful! 🙂

    Pip x

  9. elin says:

    Åh vilka fantastiska bilder Ebba! Vad snygg du är! Spännande att få se hela looken!

  10. Frederikke says:

    You look like Taylor Swift in the picture! You’re beautiful 🙂

  11. Hj says:

    Are you anorexic?

  12. googlepo says:

    I am so impressed I had to save it so I continously go back and read things I may have skimmed

  13. Aida says:

    Which is your hair color now ?

  14. essie says:

    omg ebba im so exited for that look!! sneekpeek looks awesome! greetings from chicago ♥

  15. Frida says:

    Vacker fläta! 🙂

  16. Juliette Gold says:

    I’ve been following you on Lookbook for a while, and never realized you had a blog… then, I discovered it yesterday, and I’m blown away!
    How were you able to define your own style at such an early age? I was an absolute fashion-clueless until my senior year in high school (which was 2 years ago, but still [: )
    I’d love to hear back from you!
    My e-mail is


  17. Celebrity Style Tips says:

    Så snyggt! Älskar preppy looken 🙂

  18. Eva says:

    Love the hairdo and with those glasses you look adorable!

  19. Isabell says:

    you should wear glasses more often again, i think. in the last time you didn’t that so often compared with your first lookbook year. and i think glasses and a hat are some parts, the most important (visual) parts of ebba zingmark. (always there were the red hair too, but know i’m excited of your new silver mane.!)

    a friendly smile from berlin, isabell

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