Ja, jag vet att detta har tagit SJUKT lång tid, men här har ni äntligen en liten guidad tur i min lilla lägga! Jag orkade inte ordna med undertexter den här gången så jag gjorde mitt bästa för att prata engelska istället (märkte i efterhand att jag till exempel säger “toilet” istället för “bathroom”, haha. Ganska kul misstag!). Hursomhelst, jag är inte riktigt färdig med allting än men det är på god väg nu. Jag vet att det är svårt att se detaljerna i en iphonevideo som denna så jag gör även ett litet inlägg med bättre bilder senare. Nog om det nu, hoppas ni gillar videon!


Yes, I know this has been a loong time since I promiced to make a vid, but here you finally have a little guided tour of my little apartment! I could not arrange with subtitles this time so I did my best to speak English instead (I noticed in retrospect that I for example, said  “toilet” instead of “bathroom”, haha​​. Quite funny mistake!). Either way, I’m not quite finished with everything yet but it’s on its way now. I know it’s hard to see the details in an iPhone video like this so I’ll make another post with better pictures later. Enough about that now, hope you like the video!

7 responses to “A TOUR OF MY NEW APARTMENT

  1. Anna says:

    Where do you keep all your clothes?

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Anna:
    Haha, I have another closet where my parents live 😉

  3. chi says:

    your apartment looks so cosy! i especially love the toilet dog. it is nice to have company while you’re brushing your teeth haha

  4. María Espinosa says:

    It’s so cool that you have your own apartment. It is samll but then again its your own space. Have a great day 🙂

  5. Sophia Charles says:

    Such a lovely place to live!

  6. Krzysiek says:

    what a cute apartment 😉 and i have question is, what is name on the song, which flies in the background? ;>

  7. Hanne says:

    I was wondering: don’t you have a desk, or do you just work at the same place you eat? 🙂

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