
Dress and shoes- Lacoste, Fragrance- NATURAL L. 12. 12

Det är dags för mitt sista inlägg i samarbete med Lacoste fragances. Eftersom jag parades ihop med doften “NATURAL”, vilket verkligen är något jag vill och kan identifiera mig med, handlar detta inlägg om min syn på en naturlig livsstil. Under sommardagarna i Berlin för ett år sedan då jag hängde med lacoste-teamet så intervjuade de mig under arbetets gång. Nu i efterhand har jag fått ta del av svaren, så jag tänker att jag helt enkelt delar dem med er:

What does a NATURAL lifestyle mean to you?

A natural life means being close to the nature, keeping your feet on the ground. It means listening to your body and your natural needs and trying to not get obsessed with material things.

How do you describe natural Beauty?
Natural beauty is a result of a natural lifestyle. When you’re able to let go of social media’s illusions of “perfect looks” and you can focus on being grateful for everything your body gives you just by being healthy.

What are you three tips for getting in a NATURAL mood?

– Hang out with animals. There’s no better way to get down on earth.
– Work out. There’s something very “back to basic” animalistic with letting your body work and pushing your limits.
– Take a walk in the forest and smell all the amazing fragrances, like pine wood, moss and forest flowers.

What are your tips for living a NATURAL lifestyle?
Try to live in the moment as much as possible, make a habit of taking little pauses un life where you just shut off all thoughts about work, relationships, future and focus on your mind and your body.

It’s time for my last post in collaboration with Lacoste fragances. Since I was paired with the fragrance “NATURAL”, which really is something I want and can relate myself to, this post about my thoughts on a natural lifestyle.
During the summer days in Berlin a year ago when I was hanging out with the Lacoste team, they interviewed me during the work. A few weeks ago they actually sent me the answers, so I decided to share some of them with you (above) in this post. What are your thoughts on a natural lifestyle?

3 responses to “NATURAL BERLIN

  1. Pretty images! 🙂


    Photography & Fashion Blog,

  2. Luciana Almada says:

    Okay, this is one of my favorites posts in your blog, Ebba. I loved it!

  3. You are beautiful ! Love the comfortable dress <3

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