Vill börja denna lördagsmorgon med ett stort fett GRATTIS till min syster som fyller 20 idag ! Det var ju alldeles nyss vi satt utanför villan i byn vi växte upp i och planerade framtiden. Nu är vi där och jag ser fortfarande upp till henne sådär som en lillasyster gör till en storasyster, som då hon skrev en bok för att peppa unga tjejer, när hon startade en dj-klubb som fått halva stan att dansa eller när hon i somras uppfyllde just de där planerna vi gjorde när vi satt utanför vårt barndomshem och köpte en häst. Jag känner fasen få som är lika kompromisslösa och envisa. GRATTIS FANNY!

I want to start this Saturday with a big fat CONGRATULATIONS to my sister who turns 20 today! It feels like yesterday we were sitting outside the house in the small village we grew up in, made plans for the future and thought the adult life was infinitely far away. Now we’re here and I still look up to her like a little sister does to a big sister, when she wrote a book to help young girls, when she started a DJ club which made half the city to dance and when she made exactly those future plans we had back in the days come true and bought a horse. I know few persons that’s as uncompromising and stubborn (in a good way). CONGRATULATIONS FANNY!

12 responses to “20

  1. lisa says:

    GRATTIS FANNY! Låter som att hon är lika smart och snäll som hon är snygg!

  2. kate says:

    I love when you’re writing about your sister… she’s sooo beautiful! Congratulations!

  3. Fanny says:

    Tack finaste bästa syster! Love you!

  4. Hanne says:

    Grattis till Fanny! 🙂

  5. coline says:

    happy birthday to her! 🙂


  6. Julie says:

    Congrats to her! She’s beautiful and she looks a lot like you!

    // julie

  7. Alyssa says:

    Your sister and I share the same birthday! Happy birthday to her as well, she really is beautiful!

  8. Itzel López says:

    MY GOSH! WE ARE THE SAME AGE! But she’s SO BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations Fanny, I’m your fan too.

  9. EVA says:

    Congratulations with your sister!! xx


  10. Romina says:

    your sister is seriously pretty! I love how brown hair looks on her. Curious, what’s the name of the book she wrote?
    A late happy bday!

  11. ebbazingmark says:

    Romina: The name of the bok is Queens of Norrland. She wrote it together with two other girls. It’s about how important it is to have a meaningful sparetime when you’re young and equal rights and possibilities for girls and boys. It’s also interviews in the book with interesting girls with interesting hobbies/jobs/projects from whom you can be inspired of, and a lot of more cool stuff:)

  12. Sarah says:

    I’m turning 20 this year too, yet, she’s already having so many achievements! How great!

    I’m curious, do Swedish teens in general become independent and have their life starts so early? Or is it just because of the early planing? Well I hope someday I can fulfill my dreams too, but in my city, living is difficult enough, let alone following dreams:(


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