10.07 vid Kungsgatan, Stockholm.

Iförd kappa frÄn weekday, skjorta frÄn Motel Rocks, vÀska frÄn Beyond retro och second hand-kÀngor.

Idag har jag bevittnat snö för tredje gÄngen detta halvÄr. Nu Àr den mer Àn vÀlkommen att tÀcka lilla UmeÄ! Jag Àr trött pÄ slask och asfalt. Hur Àr det hos er vÀnner, har ni nÄgon snö?

Translate: Wearing a jacket from Weekday, shirt from Motel Rocks, bag from Beyond Retro and vintage boots.

Today I’ve seen snow for the third time this semester. Now it is more than welcome to cover little UmeĂ„! I’m tired of slush and asphalt. What’s the weather at your cities guys, do you have any snow?

34 responses to “10.07 vid Kungsgatan, Stockholm.

  1. alisaT says:

    we’ve got so much snow here in russia!!!! too much snow, if you ask me…. and it’s very cold as well… i’d freeze my brain out if i wore something like that… here’s picture, if you’re interested what it’s like (no spam or anything!) -> http://cs11223.vkontakte.ru/u5186485/-6/w_a42b409d.jpg

  2. May Casson says:

    Your hair looks brunette in these photos.

    I am from Australia so it is summer and a very, very hot one at that! – kindoflovely.com

  3. Nikki.L says:

    I’m from Australia but the place where I’m from is always changing one day it’ll be very hot the next day or even later that day itll be thundering and raining like anything, makes everyone feel sick because it’s constantly changing. No I have no snow, we don’t get snow, all I have ever seen is frost upon the grass on cold mornings. I love what you are wearing, you have a gift. Xo.

  4. Alexandra Kjellman says:


  5. Judit says:

    I’m from the north of Spain and it never snows here, i wish it did! 🙁
    Your hair looks gorgeous here, do you do it with a curling iron or something? 🙂

  6. Jarka H. says:

    The outfit looks so comfy!

  7. L says:

    Jag var ocksĂ„ i Stockholm idag UmeĂ„! Helt ensam, för att intervjua Åsa Linderborg (vĂ€rldens ballaste). Det gick skitbra, hon var jĂ€tterolig. Och hĂ€r ligger inte en flinga snö, men jag minns att det har varit ett helt tĂ€cke sĂ„hĂ€r Ă„rs, förut. Puss&kram Uppsala.

  8. Mireia SĂĄnchez says:

    Hi! I’m from Barcelona, and obviously it never snows here!! We don’t wear coats yet!!
    U look amazing 😀

  9. Caroline says:

    Vet inte om du sett att du Ă€r med hĂ€r: http://www.graziadaily.co.uk/TheStyleHunter/archive/2011/10/26/style-hunter-can-t-resist-the-knit.htm. Ă€nkte bara tipsa om det i alla fall 🙂

  10. ellen says:

    HÀr i lilla Lund (som ligger i SkÄne) har jag inte bevittnat en endaste liten snöflinga.

    Kram pÄ dig!

  11. REBECKA says:

    Ingen snö alls tyvÀrr!

  12. Stine Marie Kristoffersen says:

    Her i Hönefoss (En time fra Oslo) har jeg ikke sett snö siden forrige vinter 🙁

  13. Elisa says:

    Kollade tillbaks pĂ„ din gamla blogg, du ser sĂ„ mycket Ă€ldre ut nu sĂ„klart! I Kiruna kom det pyttelite snö hĂ€romdagen, men smĂ€lter nog snart igen om det fortsĂ€tter vara plusgrader….!

  14. Stephanie says:

    I’m from Atlantic Canada, and it hasn’t snowed here yet. It has in the West though. But we’re supposed to get a big snowstorm tomorrow.. over a foot! I love your hair in these photos, and I really like that shirt. Especially with the ribbon! Very cute.

  15. Oly says:

    I’m from middle Russia. We have so much snow that you can’t imagine…

  16. Inga says:

    I’m from Northen Russia. We have snow here, but it’s melting.

  17. Hadel says:

    Men lilla gumman kan inte du arrangera en lĂ€sartrĂ€ff hĂ€r i Stockholm? 😀

  18. Hanne says:

    Jag bor i Belgien och det finns ingen snö hÀr, men det Àr helt normalt, fast jag skulle vara glad om det fanns nÄgon : )

  19. Seung-won says:

    I’m from Korea. There is no snow here, but a shower! Why shower always stops after I bought a new umbrella? It’s a mystery! 🙁

  20. MarĂ­a says:

    I wish it snowd here in Gudalajara Mexico but out autumn is more of a fresh summer, today our minimun was 10°C and our maximun was 28° celcius. It has only snowed once in the past 25 years or more and it was 11 years ago. Have a great day

  21. coline says:

    your outfits looks so comfortable! and your hair is gorgeous!!
    as for the weather, we haven’t yet seen snow where i am! should be expected starting end of this month!! I’m excited!!!



  22. luba says:

    i from Russia and we have snow! ^^

  23. Maja says:

    Hejsan svejsan! Jag bor i England och hĂ€r har jag inte sett en endaste liten flinga, mina förĂ€ldrar bor i österrike och jag ska hem över jul och i fina österrike finns det massvis med snö 🙂

  24. Frida says:

    1.5 timme uppÄt landet frÄn Göteborg sett Àr det minsann ingen snö. Enbart puder-regn. Hoppas pÄ snö tills jul, men det Àr osÀkert. :(((

  25. barbora says:

    i am from bratislava,slovakia (europa) and there isnt any snow just very cold.(you look so beautiful)

  26. Hannah says:

    Hi Ebba. I’m from rainy rainy Germany, but I think we’ll have snow soon 😀
    And I just wanted to say that I love you’re blog. I think I’ve never seen such a adorable girl 🙂

  27. LAN says:

    It’s hot here in Bangkok Thailand, even it’s winter!!

  28. kris says:

    it’s snowy here in finland 🙂

  29. Isabelle says:

    No snow in Liverpool yet 😉
    I adore your masculin pant! mixed with this great coat it’s perfect!!

  30. Nellie says:

    I live in a midland of Russia, and at all of us in snow!! Today the temperature was a minus of 18 degrees below zero, all is very beautiful and is snow-white!!

  31. moa says:

    Ingen snö hĂ€r uppe i LuleĂ„ Ă€nnu 🙁 TrĂ„kigt nog!
    Jag total Ă€lskar din stil och ditt hĂ„r. Är sĂ„ avis pĂ„ dig. Alltid lika snygg!

  32. Tammie says:

    You are soooo stunning it’s almost unreal! <3


  33. Alma says:

    Dö snygg som vanligt!
    Och nej hÀr nere vid Göteborg syns tyvÀrr inte en snö flinga, sÄ lÄngt ögat kan nÄ.
    Ebba, jag har en frĂ„ga. Jag har bestĂ€mt mig för att jag vill ha en riktigt snygg herrock som vinterjacka i Ă„r. FrĂ„gan till dig som vet, Ă€r om Ă„tminstone de som du Ă€ger, Ă€r varma nog för en svensk vinter? Jag skulle Ă€lska om du gjorde ett reportage om vinterjackor (igen). Jag tycks aldrig hitta en jacka som Ă€r bĂ„de snyg och varm… Din blogg Ă€r grymm! Kramar Alma 🙂

  34. Nele says:

    here in berlin we still have no snow. but it’s incredibly cold, and i think the snow won’t wait much longer. tell me, how we will survive this winter, it’s too cold for my summerloving mind. now i have a cup of hot chocolate to drink..

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